Common questions regarding Race The Nags, and their answers: QUESTION: Why do I get an error message indicating that the NAGSTATS.WON file cannot be opened? My machine starts to run the game, but halts with this message. ANSWER: Race The Nags is not being allowed to open all of the files it needs to run properly. There are a couple of possible reasons for this. First, if you're running off a floppy disk, make sure the disk does not have a write protect tab on it. This is usually detected early in the startup of the game, and notice given. If you apply a write protect tab after the game is running, the error message may appear later during play. Second, your CONFIG.SYS file may not specify the number of files and buffers that can be opened, or you may not have a CONFIG.SYS file at all. One of the things this file commonly does is to tell DOS how many disk files may be opened at a time. If you have a CONFIG.SYS file (usually in the ROOT directory), make sure it has these two lines in it: FILES=20 BUFFERS=20 The number 20 is the least acceptable number. More than 20 is okay too. If you don't have a CONFIG.SYS file, don't know if you do or not, or don't know how to edit it, refer to your DOS manual or enlist the help of someone more knowledgeable about PC compatible computers. Making these changes to your CONFIG.SYS file may also allow programs that would not previously run on your computer to work. QUESTION: I have an EGA card in my computer, yet Race The Nags tells me it can't detect it and refuses to run. Why? ANSWER: Some older EGA cards do not report their existence properly. If you're SURE you have an EGA card, you can try forcing the game into EGA mode. To do this, start the game with this command: NAGS -e The -e tells the game that it must try to run regardless of what kind of video card was detected. Note that forcing EGA mode on computers that cannot run in EGA mode may "hang" the computer, making a reboot necessary. The -e can be included along with any other startup commands you wish (refer to the NAGS manual for more information on them). If the game still won't run, it's not compatible with your video card. You may need to reboot your computer if forcing EGA mode won't work. In addition, some real old EGA cards only had enough memory to store one screen of data. On these old timers, BOSS MODE won't work since it uses the second page of video memory.